Gianni 19666029 / EigenbauItalienComplete fabric replacement, steel structure and wings complete checked. Compasses roof upgrade with two shock absorber. 20 litres fuel tank with externalaccess. Motor engine pump and fuel filter. Cockpit fabric complete replaced .Comfortable pocket folder. Weight balanced for 90 Kg pilot. Motorglider is ready for flyand not require any adjustment.Upgrade frontal nose structure to accept two stroke 4 cylinder air cooled 28 Hp KönigSD570 motor sn 93277, motor installed with 4 point anti vibration system plus firecockpit barrier, with 120 cm two blade frontal propeller, motor nose cover rebuilt withfrontal air inlet and two lateral doors for air outlet system manual controlled withhandle in cockpitI am looking to sell my SF27, I want start to retrofit one very old FOURNIER RF5B, doyou know someone need my motorglider, price requested is 12500 Euro fullnegotiable ( plus your commision after sale )